Friday, September 23, 2011

a year and a half!

We had so much fun celebrating Hadley's year-and-a-half Birthday! First, we went to the Doctor for Hadley's 18month check-up. This will be our last appointment with our pediatrician, as she is retiring at the end of the month... just as I was starting to like her! All went well at the appointment, Hadley gained back the weight she had lost, he head, and height measurements were right on track, and she was well behaved! When we walked into the waiting room, there was a long line of people waiting to check in. Right as we got in line, a nurse popped her head out asking for a "Hadley Walden". We were escorted in ;) and told the Dr. wanted to see Hadley early because her appointment was in the middle of a family with three kids. Yay!

That evening, Gramma met us at Gott's/Taylors for burgers and fries. Hadley does not do well at resturaunts these days, so this is the perfect place to bring her, plus she loves to dip the fries in ranch dressing. Next, we headed to the oxbow market for some cupcakes at cara's. Hadley promptly dropped her mini cupcake on the ground. She made friends with some little girls... meaning she just walked up to them, smiled her huge smile, and stared.

This little lady of ours gets more amazing by the minute. She is constantly picking up new words- she had about 100 in her vocabulary right now. She is so tender and loving. She is polite, saying plea and ju ju (thank you). She is SO dainty and girly. She is also very finicky. We love you to the moon and back, Hadley Mae. We are so proud of who you are becoming, and can't wait to see what the next hours, days, weeks, months, and years hold.

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