Tuesday, September 27, 2011

baby appointment

what a relief! ...two things; one, chris was able to make it to an appointment, and two, i only gained ONE pound in the last three weeks! so much better than my NINE pound gain within the previous three weeks. i guess i made the right decision in keeping those dark chocolate peanut butter cups out of my shopping cart. instead, i have switched to snacking on frozen grapes. much less guilt involved.
on of the first things my np asked me was "so, are you ready?" ummmm, no? please don't say that. i think i might be the only term pregnant woman that has not said "get this kid out of me asap!" it's not that i don't want to see little eleanor, or cuddle, hug or kiss her. i am SO looking forward to meeting her! this harvest craziness to be over first. i know chris would make it to the birth no matter what, but what about before the birth? what about the recovery? and hadley? i am doing all i can to take it easy to keep this child in place.
it is a good thing i find comfort in knowing that God has a plan for this birth and our family. if i didn't have that, i would probably be even more crazy.
with that, i am staying hydrated, not lifting, cutting down on my "nature walk with had" time, and thinking happy thoughts. keep on cooking, ellie!
here is hadley on a nature walk, saying hello to the goats and horse. this little walk brought on some very uncomfortable feelings and a few braxton hicks contractions.

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