harvest is finally in full swing.. FULL swing. Chris has been working an average of 15 hour days over the last week. the work plus being up all night, plus winemakers calling all day, plus the hour drive home is taking it's toll. chris decided to stay the night at the house on the vineyard tonight, so hadley and i picked up dinner and went out for a little visit. the property is beautiful! we enjoyed the sights, hadley loved pointing out all the "wowers" and picking sweet strawberries and cherry tomatoes. for some reason, she was also really into all the different chairs and sofas in the house. she would run for chair to chair giggling and shouting "chair! chair!". we enjoyed a few hours together, then left so chris could get a little more rest before waking at 11pm for another pick. i was worried about the drive home on the winding roads, so i took 101, spaced out, and missed my exit. oops. an hour and a hap later i pulled into our driveway with one sleeping baby in tow. now i am awake, as usual, thinking about my dear husband working harder than anyone i know. he is pretty wonderful.

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