Friday, September 23, 2011

thirty FIVE weeks ...

and i am feeling it. the heartburn, the sciatic nerve, kicking in the ribs, not sleeping, leg cramps, carpal tunnel, restlessness, ect. the thing is, i would not change any of it. as the due date draws nearer and my stomach is stretched to it's limits, i am soaking up every precious moment with this child living inside. while knowing full well this little one might complete our family, i may never be in this state again. pregnancy, while very brutal on one's body, is such an amazing experience. one of my good friends just news that her and her husband are expecting a baby of their own in the spring. although i feel awful for what she is going through with morning sickness, i feel relived that there is someone who can relate. she said (laughing) "pregnancy is not cute, it is actually kind of gross." so true. with that, i am looking forward to having my body, and range of motion back, but looking at the discomforts in a different way this time around.

some things i have been reminding myself...

my body is going through this for a reason.

there is an end in sight.

a few years from now, i am sure i will see cute pregnant ladies waddling around and wish for that feeling again. enjoy the now.

don't stress about the little things that need to be done around the house.

cherish this time with chris and hadley, us as a family of three.

be patient.

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