my dear hadley, last night you did not want to go to bed. you ate your dinner like a good little girl (more than usual), you took a long, warm bubble bath, we sang songs and said prayers, and snuggled for a bit. despite this wonderful routine we have in place, it was not working for you last night. you cried. for a while. we snuggled more. you would grab our faces and hold us to your face if we tried to move away. your dad and i took turns. he brought you into our bed to calm you. finally, you felt some peace. you were asleep in your own bed. i am hoping you stayed there most of the night, because when i woke up with my usual pregnancy caused hunger, i took a peek into your room. all of your "babies" were in your bed, and your blankets too. at first, i figured you were under there somewhere, all curled up with your booty high in the air. as my eyes scanned the dimly lit room, i found you, and my heart broke a little.

thankfully, you stayed fast asleep as i scooped up your little body to return you to your proper place.
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