dear little ellie,
you have been inside, baking to perfection for thirty nine whole weeks. we have prepared for you in every way we could think of. you have a lovely little nursery all your own. you have a closet and dresser filled with freshly laundered sweet little clothes and cozy blankets. our hospital bags are packed, the car is washed, and the kitchen is stocked. we think your big sister is starting to understand that concept of, well, you! she is almost as excited to meet you as we are! we can't want to hold you in our arms and see what you look like! will you come out looking like your sister? with you have dark hair or light? ...maybe no hair at all? will you have green eyes like your daddy, or brownish like your momma? all we know is you will be beautiful, our beautiful little girl.
now, please stop pretending you are on your way, and come meet us already!
momma and dada
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