Saturday, October 15, 2011


gramma offered to watch hadley for us last night so we could enjoy some time together. we went out on a lovely little date to pizza azzurro. it was so nice to catch up on life with my love over a delicious meal. we even went for desert, panna cotta and an affagoto! so good!!
we spoke of hopes and dreams for the next year; including very exciting career opportunities for chris, plans for vacations with our growing little family, meeting our brand new baby girl, spending the chilly winter as a family cuddled up in our home with a warm fire in the woodstove, christmas gifts we want to get our girls, and future date nights as soon as little ellie allows us to leave her for a few hours- or even a weekend. simple date nights like this mean the world to me. taking time for just the two of us, not worried about hadley's behavior, or appetite, or anything. i am so thankful to have this wonderful guy as my husband!

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