Monday, February 28, 2011

number two

i am in complete shock.
this morning hadley and i took at walk down to nana and grandpa's house for some buttermilk blueberry pancakes and bacon. my mom gave me a little side of grapefruit, usually one of my favorites, and it tasted horrible! like really. very. awful!
i had a feeling something might be up so i took a test and the little blue line showed up immediately! clear as day!

i tried calling chris a million times because there was no way i was going to be able to keep in news like this until he got home.
chris called me back while i was in the paper towel isle at target. not at all ideal, i know.

this is how our conversation went:
me: are you alone
chris: yes
me:are you sitting down
chris: are you pregnant?
me: yes!
chris: seriously
me: seriously
chris: i am the man!

we knew we would love to have two children.. just had no idea it was in our plans so soon.
i know having two under two will be a challenge, but i have 9 months to prepare. and i am sure our babies will be the best of friends!
i can't wait to feel this little one moving all around inside my belly, i am already falling in love!

i tried to show hadley a picture of what her baby brother/sister might look like right now.. if i really am 7 weeks.
she tore the page in half. hm.

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