Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hadley's first Christmas

This Christmas was picture perfect.

Over the last few months we have gone through a lot of stresses. In the early fall Hadley got sick with a scary croup cough. We have to have her own nebulizer here at home, and giving her the treatments was not fun. Thankfully our wonderful brother in law is a respiratory therapist and her really helped us through this time. The worst part was taking Hadley to kaiser by myself and being left in the room to hold her sick little undressed body down for her first treatment. She was not a fan. When the nurse came in to check on us she said "oh don't worry, he will be okay" errr.
Like most things, this time soon passed and Chris found out there would be some changes in the the company where he worked and he would be laid off at the end of harvest. We prayed and prayed for God's will and his comfort, and he did not let us down. After many meetings and "trial periods" Chris is now the vineyard manager for this company. Everyone else was laid off but him!
During the time we thought Chris was to be laid off, our car was giving us major problems. $7,000 worth of problems. We sat in worry for a week over this $7,000, later to find out BMW would cover all but $1,200 of the cost. We paid the bill and drove from BMW to Subaru to trade in our car for a new outback. Best decision ever. I am thrilled with the peace of mind this car has given us.

Hadley's first Halloween was perfect. She was the most adorable little lambie. We spent the evening at our Church's light of life festival with friends, family, and good food... and not too much candy!

Hadley's first Thanksgiving was perfect. We spend Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's and celebrated again the following Saturday with Gramma and Poppy. Hadley enjoyed most of the foods Thanksgiving had to offer. We counted our many blessings and reminded each other all we have to be thankful for.

Hadley's first Christmas was perfect. We spent Christmas Eve at Church, where Hadley wore her cute Christmas ensemble, and we sang Christmas music. Christmas morning was just the three of us opening gifts at home under our sweet little tree. We feasted on a delicious brunch at Gramma and Poppy's with the whole Walden Family. Then we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for a prime rib dinner with Uncle Eric, Uncle Scott, and Aunt Tara. Hadley was so spoiled by all!

Hadley's first New Year's Eve was really nothing to write home about on her account. Chris and I left her with Gramma and her cousins while we went on a date to one of our favorite places- Norman Rose Tavern. crab-artichoke dip. lamb burger. blue cheese burger. chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting. ohmygoodness.
We were in bed by 11.

Looking back on our best year yet, 2010 was honestly amazing. We turned 24, welcomed our beautiful Hadley to the world, celebrated many "firsts" with our girl- including our annual 3rd of July party, went to young life camp as a family, and celebrated three wonderful years of marriage. We had times of worry and doubt, but everything has worked out for the best. We are looking forward to all that 2011 holds.

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