Monday, February 28, 2011

number two

i am in complete shock.
this morning hadley and i took at walk down to nana and grandpa's house for some buttermilk blueberry pancakes and bacon. my mom gave me a little side of grapefruit, usually one of my favorites, and it tasted horrible! like really. very. awful!
i had a feeling something might be up so i took a test and the little blue line showed up immediately! clear as day!

i tried calling chris a million times because there was no way i was going to be able to keep in news like this until he got home.
chris called me back while i was in the paper towel isle at target. not at all ideal, i know.

this is how our conversation went:
me: are you alone
chris: yes
me:are you sitting down
chris: are you pregnant?
me: yes!
chris: seriously
me: seriously
chris: i am the man!

we knew we would love to have two children.. just had no idea it was in our plans so soon.
i know having two under two will be a challenge, but i have 9 months to prepare. and i am sure our babies will be the best of friends!
i can't wait to feel this little one moving all around inside my belly, i am already falling in love!

i tried to show hadley a picture of what her baby brother/sister might look like right now.. if i really am 7 weeks.
she tore the page in half. hm.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


today we had hadley dedicated at church.
it was very special.
she loved the attention.. and poppy's microphone. the congregation was ohhing and ahhing over her the whole time.
she is such and incredible blessing

after church we took a little trip to floodgate vineyards. chris wanted to "check on some things" and show off his hard work. we couldn't drive past giugnis in st. helena (amazing sandwich!!). hadley slept the whole way up while we enjoyed each other's company in peace.
chris is a lucky guys to work in such a beautiful place.

the next stop was another vineyard owned by the company. we drove further north and up a windy dirt road to grist vineyard.

i knew it was going to be a long ride home so i fed hadley some banana and we were off. about twenty minutes later we hear a really awful sound from the back seat. poor hadley had thrown up all over! we quickly pulled over and striped her down on the side of the road. she was so confused and uncomfortable- it was heartbreaking! we got her cleaned up and cleaned the car seat the best we could and continued on our way. i stayed in the back seat to console her.
once we hit silverado trail, we noticed everyone pulling over.. there was the most beautiful double rainbow we had ever seen!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

sick day

thursday night chris woke up with terrible shivers, stayed home from work friday, hadley was having more teething issues, and developed her first major diaper rash.

chris was put on two prescriptions, and hadley was given a dose of tylenol, and diaper rash cream.
it is saturday morning now and chris just proclaimed he is feeling "one million bucks more than yesterday" ;)
hadley's rash is on the mend and seems to be acting her old spunky self. so thankful for a new day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

chilly day.

hadley's new little tooth is still bothering her today, and all she wants to do is cuddle. thankfully, she took a decent nap and i was able to do a few things (i.e. shower)

we took a little break from cuddles and book reading this afternoon for a little outside adventure in the cold.

tonight we have NO plans.. we haven't had a night like that in over a week!
looking forward to eating party leftovers, not worrying about dishes from making dinner, hopefully putting hadley down at a reasonable hour, and actually spending quality time with chris. i know, exciting life i lead.

Monday, February 14, 2011


i am one blessed lady to have two very sweet valentines!

chris and i decided we would celebrate the holiday this weekend (three day weekend wooo!) because we had such a crazy weekend, then young life tonight. chris did tell me, however, that we can still tell each other "happy valentines day" today. thanks sweetheart! ;)

i have been buying a book for hadley for each holiday, here is the one she got this year for valentine's day.

here is hadley last year on valentine's day...

first birthday party!

after much planing, shopping, and prepping, hadley's birthday party was a huge success!
we had a great time celebrating this sweet milestone with family and friends.

out shopping for the party food at costco..

while shopping at party time i put hadley down in the party favor isle. out of all the little toys to chose from this is the one that caught her eye...
a rubber rat.

so many milestones in so little time

in the last week, hadley has...
turned one
cut her fifth tooth
had her 12 month well check.. 21pounds, 8 ounces and 28 inches!
started standing up with out assistance
dancing to any tune
pointing to head
drawing with chalk
eating more and more
tried whole cow's milk (not a fan yet)
favorite thing to do: walk around the house

Friday, February 11, 2011

hadley's first birthday

hadley and i had a great day together on her birthday. we had smoothies, took photos outside, read a lot of books, and waited and waited for daddy to come home.

once we had our little family together again, and exchanged our welcome home hugs and kisses, we headed out to taylors/gotts with my parents.
hadley is becoming more and more difficult to take out to dinner, so we figured this casual burger place would be perfect.. plus we love the food!
we all got burgers and fries, hadley enjoyed the sweet potato fries dipped in ranch dressing (i promise i feed her well-rounded meals on a regular basis)
next we wont to the oxbow market to pick up a treat from kara's cupcakes.
we chose a mini banana cream cupcake for hadley.
back home hadley opened a big gift bag full of presents from nana and grandpa.
the cupcake was not enjoyed as much as we had hoped, but maybe it is a good thing she isn't crazy about sweets just yet?

the next day we celebrated with chris' side of the family. gramma made a huge spread (hadley's favorite- broccoli!) and cupcakes! poppy and gramma got the most adorable wooden rocking chair for hadley- she loves it! meems got her a pretty dress with matching accessories!

happy birthday little girl! you are our whole world and we love you dearly!
xo mama and dada

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

one year ago from right now...

i never could have anticipated the amazing love, awe, wonder, and delight i would know in a few hours from this moment. i have spent today staring at my little one toddling around babbling to her dolly. i have hugged her longer, and talked to her more. time is going by so quickly and it is all a bittersweet reminder to cherish every precious moment.
i remember exactly how i felt walking through the hospital doors around 7:30pm on 2.8.10.
i remember the feeling, but not the pain.
i remember the excitement i felt while it seemed like the rest of the world was sleeping.
i remember the serious moments without the worry.
i remember seeing, holding, kissing hadley for the very first time.
i remember the love because i feel it every time i look at my family.

nine ten eleven


So much has happened in the last few months!
Hadley decided she likes food, only if she can feed herself.
Her favorites are:
Cheese, raspberries, yogurt, oatmeal, cheerios, salmon, broccoli, artichoke, crackers, pears, and bananas!
Hadley also started walking right at 10 months, but decided it wasn't really for her. She would take a few steps every once in a while if prompted, but just started really moving on thursday, february 3rd. I am so thankful because my back was beginning to hurt from "holding hands" all day.
Hadley is fluent in "mama" and "dada" but definitely prefers to say "dada".
"na" is another common word accompanied by a head shake.
Sleep is still pretty rough.. that is all I have to say about that.
Hadley blows kisses and waves.
She scrunches her nose when she smiles.
She acts like a girl.
Hadley knows she is cute.
Hadley gives the best kisses "mmmmuuuuaaaaaaaah"
She loves all animals, especially dogs.
Prudence is her best friend.
She prefers a nightly routine of dad time, dinner, bath, brush teeth, massage, books, prayers, milk, song, sleep... until she wakes up at midnight.