Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Birth Story

Monday, February 8th, 2010 started out as "just another overdue day" in my pregnancy. I was not terribly uncomfortable, mostly just anxious to meet my baby. Mom and I decided to go out for the day, I needed to get moving and keep my mind occupied. We started with the outlets, then lunch at Freida's (...spicy food is supposed to induce) then we drove out to the Mall.. not my favorite place to go, but good for walking and people watching. Our mission was to find some itty bitty sweaters for Hadley and we found three adorable cardigans. By this time I had counted six contractions throughout the day. Next stop, costco. More contractions.
Chris got home around five and all was normal. We had salmon and broccoli for dinner, joking that if this is "it" it would be important to eat some protein. More contractions, and what was that? Did my water just break? I wasn't sure, but there was bloody show. Chris called labor and delivery and they told us to come it. Things got a little crazy, running around, packing last minute items and trying to get out of the house in time to make it to the hospital before they locked the door closest to labor and delivery at 8:30. On the way we called our parents and tried to stay calm. Thankfully we made it to Kaiser before the door was closed, and got to park in one of the "women in labor" spots. I was put in a triage kind of room where they hooked me up to a monitor for baby's heartbeat and one for my contractions. Then we waited. Uncomfortably. For what seemed like forever. Finally, doctor came to give me a test to see if my water had broken and check to see if I was dilated. Of course it had not and I was only 1cm dilated. Darn. The good news was that I was having regular contractions about three minutes apart. So Chris and I were instructed to walk the hospital for two hours and then come back to get checked again. Those two hours were very very difficult. It was such a strange feeling walking around the hospital at midnight.. it was a ghost town. I was so thankful it was just the two of us because every few minutes another contraction would hit me and pain would roll through my body. I couldn't imagine having an audience. I remember griping the caller of Chris' track jacket and just hang off him. The contraction would end and I would be fine, such a weird feeling.

Two hours had passed and we made our way back to the labor and delivery. I had made progress! 4cm! The Doctor told me I earned a hospital bed and we were taken to room one. I am so thankful we got a room, shortly after we got settled more and more women in labor started poring in. At one time there were 12 women.. and only 8 delivery rooms! I got changed into my hospital gown and got hooked up to the monitors again. By now the pain was awful. I could not convince my body to relax. I was stuck for a long time at 4cm, but my contractions continued at a steady pace. I had over done it that day with all the walking and now I was paying for it.. while in active labor. After what seemed like a long time of laying stiff as a board in the hospital bed, I decided to get the epidural. I had planned on going natural.. studied techniques, read books, watched documentaries, and said many a prayer to prepare myself. Looking back, I am so glad I decided to get the epidural. The anesthesiologist was amazing, she gave me the perfect epidural in only about five minutes. I was instantly comfortable. Now my only issue was getting some rest so I could push this little baby out! Rest was impossible. All I could think about was her. Chris was amazing through labor, he nodded off every once in a while but woke up if I needed anything at all.
The nurses changed shifts around 8 o'clock and I was thrilled with my new nurse, Iris. She was so comforting and warm. I was finally progressing properly and a little before noon the midwife decided to break my water. After my water was broken, the midwife thought there was a very small trace of meconium in the amniotic fluid. This meant there would need to be a pediatrician in the room during the birth in case Hadley had aspirated any of the meconium. My contractions were getting stronger and closer together and I started feeling the urge to push, what a strange feeling! Chris went and got the nurse a few times because of this feeling and soon it was time. My epidural was done so well that I was able to feel everything while pushing, and I am so thankful for that. I will never forget the feeling I had while pushing and watching this tiny miracle come into the world. I wanted to keep pushing even if I there was no contraction, my midwife noticed and instructed otherwise... so I said "but I don't want her to go back in!" It was defiantly a "two steps forward, one step back" situation. Finally after many encouraging words from Chris, the nurse, and midwife, her head was out. Hadley come out with her umbilical cord wrapped tightly around her neck and face. I am so thankful the midwife blocked the mirror for this part. I was told to stop pushing as she clamped and cut the cord. Then out she came. No cries. The doctor and midwife took her over to the exam table immediately to get the girl to breath! After was seemed like eternity, she let out a few small cries. Chris and I looked at each other, tears welling up, and huge smiles. Then we met face to face. Hadley was placed on my chest, her wide eyes staring straight at me and I was so in love. Giving birth to my baby girl, with my wonderful husband at my side was one of the most amazing things I have ever done or witnessed.

Hadley took to nursing immediately, and wouldn't stop for 40 minutes! Meanwhile, our family members were patiently waiting right outside the door. Finally, we were all cleaned up.. and well fed so in came the new Grandparents. So much joy in that labor room! After a little time spent with their Granddaughter, the Grandparents left to let Sarah, Lauren, Lindsay, and Ben come in. While they were in the room, Hadley got her very first bath by Iris and she loved getting her hair combed! It was adorable! We were then left alone to bond as a family of three for a little while. Gramma Debbie, Grandpa Bill, and Uncle Jon brought us some DELICIOUS sandwiches, chips, and lemonade. Never has a sandwich tasted so good!
A few hours later, Iris wheeled me to our home for the next two days, postpartum recovery room 2110. Going down the hallway with our brand new baby girl in my arms I felt an amazing sense of relief, pride, joy, love and faith. We did it. Chris and I created this beautiful miracle out of our love for each other. I carried her inside me for nine and a half months. I prayed for her and thought about her every day. We felt her kicks, squirms, and hiccups. Now she is here! Hadley is the most precious gift from God.

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