Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Begining

It has now been one week and one day since Chris and I received the most amazing gift God could have given us, Hadley Mae Walden. I already feel as though she is growing to quickly, I can't hold her enough, or kiss her, or snuggle her, or just stare at her enough. I feel like I need to document every moment before another milestone quickly approaches. So I am going to try to document her life.. this may be boring for most, but I don't want to forget the way she makes me feel each day of her precious life.
Today it is her and I only. Chris has gone back to work and part of me is nervous to get through the day without his support and his company.. and the fact that he brings me water while I nurse. The other part of me is excited because this is just the beginning of the many adventures of Hadley and I. This is a time in my life that I had anxiously awaited for a while. Marriage and Motherhood. So for now I am loving my husband and baby, enjoying every minute, memorizing every hair on Hadley's head, every facial expression and every coo.

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