Monday, February 27, 2012

Potty training woes

Well, we have the adorable panties, the potty seat, the "once upon a potty book", and a jar full of jelly bellies. Unfortunately, that is not all it takes to potty train your two-year-old. Hadley has expressed her desire to wear the panties, and will go #1 and #2 When placed on the potty. She just won't tell us when she has to go. Today she went pee in my shoe. Our other issue is nap time. Hadley has been taking her diaper off... Yesterday she handed me a diaper full of you-know-what. Today she went peepee in her bed. So, in my effort to keep the diaper on, I put these shorts on, it worked! She just didn't fall as sleep in the right spot. Love watching this girl learn and grow. I know this phase will not last long, and she will be trained before we know it. Trying to find the joys in it all, even when things get a little messy.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa I love checking in on your blog and seeing your fun pictures and stories. I was busting up laughing when I read that little Miss Hadley went pee in your shoe!! what a story to tell her when she is older :) Actually- it will be fun for her to go back through this blog and relive it all :) way to go mama for documenting it all!
