Monday, February 27, 2012


Hadley and dada make some pretty amazing chocolate cookies! Hadley knows the drill and asks to lick the beater. Mmmm nummy!

Family fun on a Friday night

"tucker all clean!!"

Potty training woes

Well, we have the adorable panties, the potty seat, the "once upon a potty book", and a jar full of jelly bellies. Unfortunately, that is not all it takes to potty train your two-year-old. Hadley has expressed her desire to wear the panties, and will go #1 and #2 When placed on the potty. She just won't tell us when she has to go. Today she went pee in my shoe. Our other issue is nap time. Hadley has been taking her diaper off... Yesterday she handed me a diaper full of you-know-what. Today she went peepee in her bed. So, in my effort to keep the diaper on, I put these shorts on, it worked! She just didn't fall as sleep in the right spot. Love watching this girl learn and grow. I know this phase will not last long, and she will be trained before we know it. Trying to find the joys in it all, even when things get a little messy.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


We've got a roller! She is so proud of herself, and do are we.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


What?? Two little bottom teeth made their appearance today. I must say, I am a little devastated. I was not ready for this milestone to happen do soon!! Hadley was the ripe-old age age of six months when I discovered her first tooth. I suppose little Eleanor is trying to fast forward her babyhood to catch up to her big sister. Eleanor doesn't seem excited about her new little teeth either. She has been extra fussy and obviously uncomfortable today. Hopefully they come in quickly so her discomfort is short lived. The pain must not be that bad, she is still smiling!

Unca eggic

Uncle Eric and Deanna drove all the way up to napa for Hadley's birthday party. Unfortunately, we had to postpone the party to the following week because of the awful sickness that took over our lives this past week.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


The littlest one is not so little. Today she enjoyed the rainforest in her jumpy seat!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Moms should not be allowed to get sick. Thankfully, Chris was able to stay home yesterday while I was bedridden with an awful stomach bug. Hadley enjoyed the day with dad, going on walks, playing in the mud, and a dinner/dessert date. When asked what topping she wanted on her ice cream, she said "chop chips!"

Moments that melt my heart

A birthday treat.

Waffles and !pink! I-cream!!


Hadley was so excited to wake up to all the balloons in her room on the morning of her second birthday. "ohhhh pink boon!"

The night before the big two.

Chris and I had a little prep work to do.

Hadley's two year well check.

Hadley has been playing a lot of pretend doctor these days, so she was very excited when I told her about her doctor's appointment. She is still on the small side, but very healthy.. And smart! While we were waiting for the doctor I put Eleanor on the scale. FIFTEEN pounds! Not too far behind Hadley's 24 pounds. At the end of the appointment Hadley had to get a little needle prick for a hepatitis test. She watched the needle go in her arm and when the nurse took it out, Hadley asked "tinkerbelle?". She remembered getting a tinkerbelle sticker after her last shot a month ago!

Birthday celebration number one!

We went out for local's night with jon and alyssia. When we pulled into the parking lot at gott's Hadley yelled "French fries!". After we finished our dinner she yelled "cupcakes!". She knows the drill.

Breaking ground in the yard!!

Chris rented this excavator to do some work in the yard. We have big plans, but first a new gray water line for the washing machine. It was so funny digging up the old line. There was a lot of duct tape. It had my grandma's name written all over it. Chris did a great job fixing things so the water doesn't overflow in the laundry room anymore. It's the little things :)


You are my sunshine


Hadley was playing with newspapers at gramma and poppy's house. She wanted to wear on as a skit. Chris helped her take the outfit to a new level. It really works for her, don't you think?

Like her mother and father..

Hadley loves cheese! We left this cheese on the counter and walked into the kitchen later to find Hadley helping herself! "mmmm nummy chee"

My life...

Is half laundry.

Birthday cake!

Thank you to my dear husband for a special birthday evening.. Even if it did involve two screaming babies. I am feeling so blessed. Cheers to twenty-six!

The first real cut.

I finally did it.. I took my scissors to Hadley's very uneven hair and u am so pleased with the results. It only took a few minutes, but she kept saying "owie mama, owie!"

Feeling brave...

I took the girls to the discovery museum with the mommy and me group. Hadley loved it! We will have to go back with daddy.

Kind of girly.

My mom took me to get new makeup for my birthday. While I was getting skittle makeover, Hadley was very interested. She decided to give nana a makeover too. When my makeup was done Hadley told me "preby mama". Hmm I guess she doesn't like the all natural look.

Two month well check

Eleanor is growing and thriving! She already weighs over twelve pounds.

Christmas eve day

We went to whole foods for a VERY good breakfast, and did a little last minute shopping. Whenever Chris and Hadley go to target this needs to happen...

Christmas crafts

While I was sewing Christmas presents for the kids, my mom set up a little craft for Hadley. It was so amazing to watch her carefully place each little bead on the pine cone. She took it very seriously!


Cutest baby ever

Room for two

We got a rumble seat to accommodate both little ones on the stroller. Hadley is loving it! Getting excited for Disneyland!

The castle

We took a little trip to a castle on a hill. We were hoping for a tour and tasting, but were told no babies allowed on the tour. So a Tasting it was. Luckily, Jon and Alyssia "know people" and we were given our own little private tour. Amazing place!


Went on an am date in December. We left both (oh my!) babies with gramma and poppy. It was a lovely morning of drinks, doughnuts, breakfast pizza, and Benedict.

Feeling kind of brilliant...

When I come up with contraptions such as this to better my shopping experience.

The cousins minus Eleanor at family dinner.


Milk coma


Hadley's big Christmas present arrived.. Hopefully she will like it even more than the big box!

Settling in.. a family of four. Starting to forget what life was like before Eleanor. She fits in so well!

Lunch date..

We had a little lunch date with the "mommy and me" group in December. Kids eat free on Tuesday ;) Hadley ate eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. So proud of Her!

Pulling out the decorations!

Christmas tree shopping!!

Festival of lights

Christmas season came so fast! The day after thanksgiving we took the girls to the festival of lights in yountville. Hadley loved the "yights", music, and seeing Santa. Eleanor stayed warm and cozy in the moby wrap. So excited for Christmas!!

One month!

Eleanor is now one month! She is the sweetest thing, gives us lots of smiles, and sleeps so well.


Soaking up the snuggles!!