Monday, August 15, 2011

the napa town and country fair..

was not so great.
chris and i had not been to the fair in ages.. ages!! maybe high school?
chris claims he had never enjoyed the fair.
i remember loving it as a kid.
i wanted to take hadley to see the animals, maybe ride a pony, and eat some questionable fried food.
we decided to give it a try, but first budgeted on $40 for the evening.
cost to get in- $26.00
we check out the 4-h animals, and watch some animal race, hadley is not too impressed.
sierra nevada (chris claims was not actually sierra nevada)- $5.00
lemonade for me (more like sugar water, but whatever) -$3.25
ohh look, only $5.75 left for dinner.
take out a little more money and buy some fried food- $12.oo
eat the food and wish we would have gotten the spaghetti and meatballs instead.
about to spend the $5.00 for a pony ride, but chris decides the ponies look much to depressed.
total time spent at the fair- 2 hours.
hadley did enjoy the live music, the cute little girl trying to share her popcorn, and all the attention she got from admiring strangers.

4 years and a sick baby

After a long (amazing, but long) week at Young Life camp, Chris and I were SO excited to get away for our four year anniversary! We were planning a weekend at our friend's adorable beach house in Bodega Bay. Hadley was scheduled to stay at Gramma and Poppy's. We even had dinner reservations!! That Thursday, Hadley was not acting herself at all. She had the flu for the first time. We felt so awful for our little baby. The weekend getaway was cancelled, and we stayed home to take temperatures every few hours, administer tylenol, follow the "brat" diet, and do a whole lot of cuddling and consoling. On Saturday, Hadley's spits were up a bit, so we went out for a mini celebration at Frieda's for some delicious Mexican food that never fails. Even though we did not have the celebration we had planned, we were remind how blessed we are to have one (most of the time) healthy child, another little lady on the way, and love for each other. If someone told me on our wedding day what my life would be like after just four years, I don't think I would believe them. Chris went all out, completely surprised men, and gave me an additional wedding band to add to my ring finger, and I got a fig tree for him, for the year of fruit.

young life camp 7.23.2011

Woodleaf is one of the most amazing places on earth. It is where I have come to know God- many times, built very special relationships, made many life changing decisions, had FUN, and taken amazing girls to share the love. I was so blessed to have my friends; Natalia, Lindsay, and Jackie leading the girls with me. Jackie brought along tiny baby Della, and Hadley came along too. They were both angles the whole time! Chris and Dave were leaders to the men-folk. Twenty-seven high school students joined us for the best week of their lives. Thank you to those who support us in this ministry. We are blessed.
oh look, a pregnant fairy. how cute. -__-