Monday, July 12, 2010

Father's Day

Sunday, June 20th, 2010 we celebrated Chris' very first Father's day.
When the clock struck midnight and we were still awake (very unusual for us) I decided to give Chris his gifts from Hadley and I; a photo book entitled "My Daddy and I" by, Hadley Mae Walden, and a large bottle of Maker's Mark.
The whole day was in his hands.. so of corse we went to three hardware stores before it was even noon. After our hardware store field trips, we had a man's man lunch.. taco's from the taco truck. Next on the to do was work out in the yard.. I planted flowers, (can you believe they are still alive?) and Chris worked away on his pizza oven. We had a great day just laying low and spending time together.
We walked down to the Grandparent's and had a BBQ dinner. While we were all hanging around outside Tucker came up and gave Hadley a big lick in the face and she busted up laughing! Her first giggle! Such a great gift for Father's day. She is so thoughtful.. and cute!

Happy Father's Day to the best Dad a little girl could ask for, and the best Husband I could ask for. We love you so much!

Here are some photos morgan took of Hadley and I to give Chris..

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