Friday, June 11, 2010

four month checkup

Today Hadley, Grandma, and I went to Kaiser for Hadley's four month well visit.
While we were waiting for Dr. Reid, my Mom guessed that Hadley would be in the 50th percentile for height and the 90th for weight.. she was spot on.
Our little butterball is fifteen pounds, fourteen ounces and twenty four and a half inches long.
Dr. Reid told us the extra chub is perfect for Hadley's brain development.
Next up were vaccines. Sad.
The first one was an oral vaccine, Hadley did not like the taste one bit. The nurse said it is the breast fed babies that hate this one the most. We just did a little at a time because she was so upset. Next I was asked to lay Hadley on the table and "hug hold" her arms while she got the two shots in her thighs.. right before the second shot was administered, the nurse told me "this one will take her breath away." It did. Heartbreaking.
We quickly went out to the car where I nursed the poor girl to sleep, and she was nothing but happy the rest of the day (so far).

For Lunch, Kendyll and Lindsay came for a visit and brought a delicious lunch from Pizza Azzuro. It was SO nice the catch up with Lindsay in this little window of time after her wedding but before she leaves for her three week honeymoon to Europe! We will miss you!
Thank you for visiting us!

Hadley is sleeping peacefully as I type, good thing because we have a busy evening ahead of us; bowling then Chris' first softball playoff game.
Cornerstone is UNDEFEATED! woo!

two milestones in one week!

Yesterday I sat Hadley down on her little hiney and she SAT there for a little while before tipping over.

That counts right?

I am a proud Mama.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

f o u r months today

My goodness my little baby is becoming not. so. little.
In this last month Hadley has become more expressive, loving, cuddly, and although I did not think it could be possible, but she even got cuter!
Hadley loves playing with her sophie giraffe, chewing on burp cloths, holding onto our clothes as we carry her around, going on walks with dad and tucker, e a t i n g.
Hadley continues to be such a joy, especially in the morning after she is well rested. Most mornings go something like this.. we change her diaper first thing then hang out in our jammies for a while and chat until it is time for Hadley's morning nap.. then she lets me enjoy a nice long shower. I run around getting ready for the day/doing laundry/tidying the house until the little one wakes up around lunch time.
Mornings are pretty wonderful.
I will know Hadley's four month stats on Friday.. but lets just say she is wearing 6-12 month baby gap shorts as we speak.

oh, I also wanted to say my very favorite thing Hadley does is when she slowly gets a huge grin on her face then scrunches her nose.
She is adorable!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

rolllllllll over

Yesterday morning I put my very happy baby on her belly and she looked up at me, gave me a huge smile, and rolled over. ..then she did it again, and again.. and three more times. I fumbled to find the camera but it was, of corse, in the car.

She has not rolled over since. Maybe she forgot how. Maybe she is stubborn.