Today finally felt like spring! Hadley and I both wore skirts to church today.. Hopefully the weather will continue to stay warm, especially for Ben and Lindsay's upcoming wedding. Less than two weeks away!
After Church we had a little BBQ at the Walden's.. I forgot how much I love watermelon! So many exciting things to look forward to, including a lot of watermelon, preferably eaten outside.
Yesterday was my Mom's birthday, but we all celebrated today with a delicious German Chocolate Cake. I was supposed to make the cake, but I was having to much fun being lazy, so we went and bought one at Whole Foods. Sorry Mom!
I hope you had a great Birthday, we love you!
I desperately want to be a good photographer. Mainly because I am not a huge fan of studio photography and it is so pricy. I want to have beautiful photos to keep track of my ever changing girl. Here is what I came up with today.

Chris would be sad if I didn't mention his VERY exciting feat of the day.. He got the gopher that had been reeking havoc on our front lawn. You would have thought he won the super bowl or something. Very cute.
As the sun was setting we spent some family time on the front porch -baby, husband, dog, cat and all. I love these little loves!