Monday, May 31, 2010


Exactly one year ago today I found out I was expecting! Now I am sitting here holding the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

easy like sunday mornin'

Today finally felt like spring! Hadley and I both wore skirts to church today.. Hopefully the weather will continue to stay warm, especially for Ben and Lindsay's upcoming wedding. Less than two weeks away!

After Church we had a little BBQ at the Walden's.. I forgot how much I love watermelon! So many exciting things to look forward to, including a lot of watermelon, preferably eaten outside.

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday, but we all celebrated today with a delicious German Chocolate Cake. I was supposed to make the cake, but I was having to much fun being lazy, so we went and bought one at Whole Foods. Sorry Mom!
I hope you had a great Birthday, we love you!

I desperately want to be a good photographer. Mainly because I am not a huge fan of studio photography and it is so pricy. I want to have beautiful photos to keep track of my ever changing girl. Here is what I came up with today.

Chris would be sad if I didn't mention his VERY exciting feat of the day.. He got the gopher that had been reeking havoc on our front lawn. You would have thought he won the super bowl or something. Very cute.

As the sun was setting we spent some family time on the front porch -baby, husband, dog, cat and all. I love these little loves!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family Weekends

I absolutely love spending time with our little family at home. This weekend we have NO plans and it is great. We kicked off this Saturday with some delicious homemade pancakes, Chris' specialty. Chris will be working out in the yard today and Hadley and I will be lounging around watching and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"princesses rule" new favorite nail polish!
I discovered this very girly color when I got my nails done during Lindsay's bachelorette party.
Even though I just had a baby, I am still young and I need to embrace it. That is just what this sparkling polish does for me.

Today I needed a little pick me up, so I went out and bought the polish and gave myself a little in home pedicure while Hadley took a nap.
Before I know it, I will be painting these little piggies!

Hadley sat in her bumbo for a good 25 minutes today while I prepared dinner. Now she is nursing while the blue cheese potatoes are roasting and the artichokes are marinating. What a lovely day with my girl!
...and she is quite the girly-girl like her mamma!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

3 months!

This is Hadley Mae at three months.

Here are some of Hadley's favorite things:
Smiling while scrunching her nose
Holding her hands
Sucking on her hands
Sticking her tongue out
Talking to the birds above her changing table
Hanging out without a diaper on
Sitting in the bumbo watching mom cook
Showering with Dad
Talking to that mysterious baby in the mirror
Grabbing the chicken/duck in the play gym
Sitting in the big girl seat in her stroller
Flirting with old men
..the list goes on.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Photo Shoot

Sarah and I decided to get the girls together for a little photo shoot so we could have some pictures to give the Grandmas for Mother's Day.. easier said than done.

After a few HUNDRED pictures, we got this one!

My very first Mother's Day

I have to say that my first Mother's Day started off a little rocky what with losing my keys and ripping my jeans and all. We only made it to church a half hour late with empty stomachs. Luckily that is when things started lookin' up! Church was great, and after Chris took Hadley and I up to Rutherford grill. The wait was long, but we were in good company and it was worth it! Chris also made me the most beautiful hardback photo book of all my favorite pictures of our little family. I will cherish it forever! Thank you to my wonderful husband and sweet baby girl!

Who says babys can't come to bachelorette partys?

Last Saturday we Celebrated one of my best friends, Lindsay! She will be getting married June 5th.. just around the corner. Anyway, I left Hadley with Chris (for the first time ever) for a good seven hours while us girls went to the Spa at the Villagio to get pampered. I could not believe my ears when I came back home and Chris told me He took Hadley and Tucker on a walk all the way around the golf corse.. this is a long walk! He did great!
Anyway, for the second half of the party, we all went to Kendyll's, including Hadley, to make a yummy dinner for Linds and gift her will pretty things for her honeymoon.
We love you Lindsay!

Isn't she going to be the most beautiful bride?
Well, it might be a toss up....

Our little day trip to Green Gulch Farms..

On May 1st we took a little trip to the Zen Center where our friend, Schylar has a gardening apprenticeship for Green Gulch Farms. Schylar showed us around the center and the farm and took us to Muir beach. It was a beautiful day!

Long Day for the little one. She was pooped!

This year the Easter Bunny brought..

Hands and Tongue

About two weeks ago, Hadley discovered her hands and tongue.. can you tell?

...She is pretty excited about it

Hadley's two month Appointment

Sooo I am way behind on my posts, I am having to much for with my baby girl! Right now she is sleeping peacefully so I though I would update!

A whole month ago I took Hadley to her two month check up. She is right on track.. although some Grandparents would say she is way ahead ;)

Hadley weighed 11 pounds, 15 onces at the 80th percentile for weight and 21 and 1/4" at the 50th percentile for Height. A am the mother to a short little rolly polly and I couldn't be more proud!
Here is Hadley in her 2 month photo