the wait is over!
the ultra-sound was booked at exactly 20 weeks, just like it was with hadley. chris came home early from work that friday afternoon and we were off the take hadley to sarah and caleb's.
we waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, giddy with excitement. chris' prediction was that we were expecting a sweet baby girl, and i had gone back and fourth for the past few months. once our name was called and we were settled in the ultra sound room the tech asked us if we would like to know the sex. we said absolutely! as soon as she put the machine on my belly she said "ok i am going to tell you right now, this looks like a girl." we were so thrilled to hear these words. images of our little girl and her big sister with all things fun and girly in our future have been flashing through my mind ever since these words were spoken. we were told that everything looks perfect. we were given a long strip of glorious photos of our girl to stare at for the next few months until we can see her in person.
Chris was so excited, he got a little lost in american canyon trying to find a "short cut" to sarah's. we finally found our way and picked up our hadley to head home for the gender reveal party! i had baked cupcakes and prepared frosting earlier in the day and now it was time to add in some pink to spread the good news!

our families came over for pizza, but i couldn't wait for desert to share the news. we gave hadley and bella each a cupcake and waited to see how long it would take to get to the pink center. the both took their time licking the white frosting atop the little cake as we stared them down. finally we asked bella what color she saw and she said "pink!" everyone shouted for joy.. well, not hadley, she just kept on enjoying her cake.

twenty weeks along!