Tuesday, April 26, 2011

update on the littlest

march 18th, second prenatal appointment. found out we were seven weeks along at this point. saw the teeny tiny pumpkin on the ultrasound with a steady heartbeat.

march 24th, told our families the special news! everyone is so excited to meet our new addition!

april 5th, appointment with midwife to go over testing and blood work. i have lost my mind. forgot ALL of the paperwork that was supposed to be filled out already. opps. the midwife was so nice about it! she took me right in and went through everything with me. i got to hear the heartbeat!! almost 11 weeks.

april 14th, twelve whole weeks!
finding amazing relief from morning sickness. i cannot even begin to describe how happy this makes me. feeling nauseous every moment of every day can start to bring you down. having hadley by my side while sick made me feel so guilty! hopefully she won't remember.