Thursday, March 10, 2011

feeling pregnant don't want to know...

at least all of this awful sickness is reassurance that things are going well with this little little one.

things i can eat/drink: iced tea, sprite, or most things with bubbles containing "bad for you ingredients", grilled cheese (with disgusting kraft cheese that i would otherwise never eat), popcorn, cheerios with sliced strawberries, and that is about it. awful, but so worth it in the end.

i am very much looking forward to the day when i can enjoy a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (tomato season soon!), heaven forbid- fish, and REAL cheese.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

to wean

1: to accustom (as a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing
: to detach from a source of dependence ; also : to free from a usually unwholesome habit or interest

i know this could potentially be a long road, which is why i am starting now.
last night i was able to get hadley to sleep without nursing at 8 o'clock. to my surprise she slept until 3:45am. i could not believe it!
here is hoping/praying/wishing/fingers crossing for an easy road to a weaned child!

mommy's helper

hadley and i have been enjoying a relaxing morning together. as i was folding laundry on the sofa hadley though she might be of some assistance. i gave up folding and grabbed the camera. this girl is so ready to dress herself... if only she understood what goes where?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the first appointment for the second baby

i thought i was seven weeks, but my calculations were off.. only five weeks!
the ultra sound only showed the sack with the embryo.
praying everything comes together properly so we see a healthy heartbeat at our next appointment on march 18th. waiting until then is going to be SO hard!
i have been feeling a little off lately. morning sickness with hadley started at around 6 weeks, we will see next week!