Four years ago today Chris proposed to me under the huge Christmas Tree in Union Square. The three of us took a little trip out to the city to visit our good friends, Kaitlin and Kevin and enjoy San Francisco during Christmas time. Kaitlin and Kevin we wonderful tour guides, showing us around their neighborhood, the marina. We had a nice little lunch at tacolicious, but before we ate something very exciting happened. We saw the Beard! Brian Wilson sitting on the curb on Chestnut Street. Kevin gave him a fist bump and we were on our way. Next we went over to Union square which was packed with shoppers. The tree and decorations were lovely, so we took some pictures and headed up the the seventh floor of Macy's to visit Santa. After waiting in line for about and hour with a very cooperative and happy baby, it was our turn! Santa looked like a deer in headlights when he saw Hadley. He whispered to me "gently set her on my knee" as I did, she immediately freaked out. Oh well.
It was time to go so we said our goodbyes and headed out over the Golden Gate Bridge. That is when we saw him again! Running across the Bridge in the dark, Brian Wilson!
It was a good day