Wednesday, September 8, 2010

so big!

Today I set Hadley in her crib (sitting up) so I could move her jumpy seat into the bathroom and take a shower. As I am walking back into the nursery she is pulling herself (very proudly) up in her crib!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer evenings as a family

Little beauty..
Loves her Dada
Tucker giving Hadley a kiss


sweet moments

bath time

Hadley is now a little to squirmy for Chris to hold in the shower. We thought we would try a real bath in the bathtub and she loves it! We love watching her splash around and play with her rubber duckies.

peaches, apples, bananas, oh my!

Hadley is pretty excited about eating..
Just not so sure about bananas..

six months

Our little Hadley is now six whole months!
(as of 08.09.2010)
These days Hadley loves..
drinking out of a sippy cup all by herself
saying dadadad and mamamama
sitting, scooting backwards (just about to crawl!)
any dog, especially Tucker!
walks in the stroller
apple sauce, peaches, and avacado!
touching anyone's face
squealing when we are in quiet places
when people tell her she is a beautiful baby

These days Hadley does not love...
her new tooth!
I almost cried when I discovered the little pearly white. Hadley is growing up so quickly and this tooth is proof. Thankfully after three long days -and even longer nights- the tooth is in and Hadley is back to herself. AMEN!

Here are some photos of Hadley at six months.
(taken on 08.12.2010)