Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We are a very blessed family.
Our friends, Sam and Patty offered the use of their beautiful beach our in Bodega Bay to celebrate out three year anniversary.
Friday the 6th I packed all our bags and Hadley and I headed out to the Floodgate vineyard to pick up Dada.
We arrived and enjoyed the beautiful gardens and picked some delicious blackberries to have for breakfast the next day. One the way to the Bodega house we stopped at Whole Foods in Sabastapol for groceries and then we were off to the coast!
The first night we decided to lay low.. eat salami, cheese, olives, and bread for dinner and
watch the fog roll in and the sunset with a glass of wine.
The next day we went for a stroll down the beach, enjoyed fish and chips for lunch, and BBQ
at the house for dinner. On Sunday we went down to the Marina to see the boats, eat the
best clam chowder at Spud Point, and watch the whales! That evening Gramma and
Grampa offered to watch Hadley so we could go out to a fancy dinner. We had such a lovely
time at the Duck Club. Good cheese, crab cakes, scallops, steak, and chocolate cake. The
view from our table was beautiful!
We had such a relaxing weekend together, can't wait to go back!

three years of love

August 4th, 2007 I married my best friend.. it was a beautiful day- so amazing I remember thinking to myself, things can't get any better than this. They have.
These three years have been bliss.. it only gets better.
We got a dog, worked on our home (i.e.: poured out blood, sweat, and tears), went to Hawaii- twice, went through a few jobs, celebrated a few anniversaries and holidays, got pregnant, got sick, then Hadley came into the world. Now I sit here, after coming home from our little family getaway thinking again, things can't get any better than this. It is not possible.

Young Life Woodleaf camp

Chris and I have been leading Young Life in Napa on and off for about five years and this was the first year we went to camp together. Yes, Hadley came too.
We had an amazing week with each other, the campers, and the other leader from our area - Morgan.
Hadley was a little trooper, hanging out in the Moby wrap those VERY late nights, standing on the side lines while kids had the mud war, pool games, carnival, line dancing, ect.
We walked up the hill to our cabin and down the hill far to many times that week, but it was all so very worth it. The girls in our group were such a blessing to me and I am sure I have made friends for life. Woodleaf is such a wonderful place, you can put down all that "stuff" you lug around all day (literally speaking, not one's baby of corse) and just be young and comfortable in your own skin. God's grace is so apparent in this place. I know it isn't really the place, more the people that have God in their hearts. The Work crew, Summer staff, Leaders, they are all there on their own time to love on kids.
We are looking forward to a fresh start with the new school year, new kids, and new YL clubs!