Monday, April 19, 2010

Hadley's first snow

Last weekend Hadley and I went on Cornerstone's ladies retreat in South Lake Tahoe. Hadley did great on the drive until we were just about to enter Tahoe. Luckily Auntie Sarah was in the back seat to provide a finger for Hadley to suck on.
Hadley was an angel most of the weekend, she loved the music by Sharri Youngward, listening to her Gramma talk about the truths of God, and all the attention she got from the nice ladies.
Hadley and I shared a room with Gramma Debbie and had lots of fun in the snow!

Hadley's first Easter

We had a Lovely Day on Easter Sunday! Although the weather was not ideal, it was still a very special day of celebration with our great family and friends. The church sanctuary was filled to the brim, Hadley decided the cry room would be a more suitable place for us to sit. Pappi Pastor Bill had an inspiring sermon, then we enjoyed a yummy brunch with the whole church body.
Our little family of three took a family nap then made our way over to Gramma and Pappi's house where we had a huge feast with the rest of the family and watched sweet Bella hunt for Easter eggs.. can't believe that will be Hadley next year!

Here are a few photos that sum up our day..

Great Grandparents

On April 3rd Hadley go to meet her Great Grandma Francis and Great Grandpa Sam. They loved her or corse! Here are some sweet pictures of their meeting.